Friday, December 7, 2007

Fields of Alfalfa in Your Backyard

Every single day I see cows,hear cows, smell cows, eat cows(not everyday but close enough). My mother bought half of a cow and it is in my freezer at this very minute(we have eaten some of it and sold some to my uncle but thats not the point). Sometimes in the middle of the night the cows freak out and moo a lot. But out in the middle of dairy land there are skunks and they smell really bad when you run them over. There are many little critters that get into your garbage scare you and jump in front of your car so you run into them and have to pay big amounts of money to fix it. Poor little or big animals that have to dodge cars their whole life. You may think that I'm some weird person that rambles about cows because they take over her life. But I have a point to make City people are not men't to share the same area with cows. You may hear many wildlife stories in this blog but you will also hear weird things that I have to go through in this Hick town that they call a city.

1 comment:

Mindy said...

Nice April! You are nuts and I love you!