Sunday, January 24, 2010

So a little bit ago I was reading my journal from when I was 12-13. Boy I was a character, I wrote down every detail and said things like "whats worse than walking home in the hot sun beating down on you, with a heavy backpack on your back and pieces of paper flying over your head". I never really knew why I kept a journal, but now I am super glad that I did because its way fun to read. When I was younger I always wanted to be 16, so I could drive, and date and have fun. But now that I am 16, all I want it to have fun, date, and have a car. I had it in my head that once your 16 its just a party all the time. It hasn't really changed all that much. My new goal is to learn how to work, and party later. I need to learn discipline :) but when am I going to have the discipline to sit down and write a schedule... that is the trick.

1 comment:

Becky said...

If you figure out how to have more discipline, let me know. I have been working on that for awhile. Although, I bet you find a way. You are pretty smart like that.